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My Akaso Brave 4 Review - The Best Cheap Action Cam?

It is no surprise that the Akaso entry level action camera range has taken off over the last few years with more and more people starting to realise that they are able to get themselves an excellent bargain by picking up one of the Akaso action cameras. This is due to the goal of Akaso to become the market leading entry level action camera brand in the world and we are happy to say that they are well on their way there.

Each of the Akaso cameras that they have released over the years have out sold and out performed their previous one and today it is the turn of our Akaso brave 4 review. First things first before actually getting into the meat and bones of the review, we want to share some sample footage that was recorded using the action cam.

The YouTube video below has been recorded using nothing but the Brave 4 and we feel that it does a great job of showing you just how good the image quality is that the camera can provide. In addition to that, the video also offers a great example of the type of audio track that you are able to record for your videos too.

As you can see, the frame rate of this newer Akaso action cam has definitely been improved over previous versions. In addition to that, they have also managed to add in 4K video resolution too! Currently you are able to record your 4K video footage at a 25 frames per second frame rate on the Brave 4 but there are some people saying an up coming firmware release may improve this but we are unable to confirm if this is true.

Still though, for its price tag, simply having 4K capabilities on the camera is an excellent achievement for Akaso to reach. In addition to this, it also supports 1080P at higher frames per second counts so you can accurately record your faster paced adventures in high definition too.

When it comes to still photographs, the Brave 4 comes with a 20MP camera sensor as standard offering some excellent image quality photographs too. There are tons of example photographs online that you can check out if you like to see just how good the cameras photo performance actually is! If you have a few minutes spare then we would highly recommend checking out some of these photographs.

If you are reading this then we would imaging that you may have already heard the reputation that the Brave 4 has managed to earn itself within the action sports community. Considering that the camera is a budget friendly, entry level action camera, we feel that Akaso have smashed the ball out the park and its reputation is rightly deserved by the community.

Picking the Akaso Brave 4 up and trying it out is definatley worth doing and we feel that it will make a nice little addition to your extreme sport accessories. If you are looking to try and start a YouTube channel based around your chosen sport then this will definatley be able to record some high-quality video footage for your channel without you having to spend a ton of money.

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